HOT Update: v7.1 is coming ahead of time first week of December: We are adding a search functionality to Existing Campaigns Drop-down list + a CSV export function for GA reports explorer!

In our v7.0, we are excited to share this month’s CampaignTrackly new features and upgrades, available immediately to subscribers and customers. Our latest features include:

  • Easy-to-use campaign archiving folders and management,

  • Custom dimensions for Google Analytics now available to use through CampaignTrackly

  • Direct pull from your Google Analytics reports providing real-time reports, consolidated Goals reporting, improved individual campaign insights and more.

1. Campaign Archiving is Here!

For those of you who have way too many campaigns in your dashboard, we have created easy and seamless ways to search through your campaigns – using the search bar or the sorting functions of the Campaigns table. We have also added categorization, to help you segment and separate your campaigns.

But we know that it’s not enough – sometimes, you need to be able to just look at your campaigns from this year, and archive all your older campaigns, so they do not get in the way, period.

Well, we are happy to report that this feature is now available immediately – just head over to Settings, create your archiving folders, name them and you are all set. As a next step, use the checklist function to define the campaigns you want to move, select your preferred arhiving folder and hit the “Move campaigns” button. Easy-peasy.


2. Custom Dimensions – yay!

Serious campaign managers and digital marketers know the value of custom dimensions and how to leverage them for success. These open a slew of opportunities to squeeze extra insights from your links and get to know so much more about your customers. It’s all about the links these days and they are getting more and more powerful!

If you don’t know anything about Custom Dimensions and would like to learn more or set it up – drop us a note. We will help you set it up.


Custom Dimensions in a nutshell:

  • Google gives you up to 20 Custom Dimensions – basically ways to add entirely new trackers/data to your audience hitting your website – data that does not exist in the GA suite out of the box.
  • Examples of such dimensions – Campaign Categories (shows you your strongest performing category when you have multiple campaign types); Authors (let’s you easily identify your most popular blogger), Sales Regions (you can track your performance by region), Customer Types, Lead Types, etc.
  • If you start digging deeper into the GA suite for custom data, you can easily setup affiliate tracking, coupons, and so much more.

Here are a few useful blogs that could help you see the value of this GA feature:

How you set it up with CampaignTrackly

  • Ask your admin to create the custom dimension for you. For example, call it Campaign Category. Here is a quick blog they can follow.
  • Make sure that you ask them to share with you the index number of the dimension and share with us in an email (it’s just a number between 1-20). It will look like this: ga:dimension13, for example. The index is #13.
  • Your admin needs to make sure that the dimension is connected to “utm_category” – the tag that will add the extra data.
  • Once you liaise with us, we will set you up, so you can directly see your reports by Category in our tool.
  • Every time you define a category for your link or multi-link campaign, our app will automatically add your “utm_category=the-actual-name-of-your-category” at the end of your link, so that all this extra goodness can be read and identified by GA and you can start receiving extra intelligence for your campaigns.
  • Once that starts working, you can go to >External Campaigns Reports and view your stats by Category with a simple click of your mouse!

2. Direct Reports Pull from GA with many new features – great!

Before, we were puling and storing your campaign hits int our database. While it worked when we had a small number of customers, now that we have a lot of who are using the tool daily, our website came to a stop several times in the last couple of weeks, after many people started using the database at a very high frequency.

Also, probably many of you noticed, that when they connect to GA – their account became super slow.

To return to our previous fast service and to eliminate any potential bottlenecks, we are now enabling you to connect and pull your data directly from you GA account without a middleman – our database.

This is great from a security point of view – because you don’t share anything with us and we no longer have your visitor data stored in our database. It is also good for you because your account will only slow down when you are in the “pull” mode.

  • When you pull your GA data, you can see a live number of sessions against each of your campaigns in the External Reports table.


BONUS: you can now see all your custom campaigns, including those created outside of our app, so that you can compare and track performance!

BONUS 2: Now you can see which Campaigns generate the largest number of Goals for your business.

  • On clicking to see your individual campaign report, you will also see live data, which will be 100% accurate and will show exactly what you have in your GA account, without the need to even go there.

Feel free to play with our Explorer – this is a brand new feature meant to give you more visibility for your campaigns in case you need to build and export a table with more granular data.

Google Reports Explorer - Build Reports on the Fly

The Explorer, available via the Reports drop down menu, will become a paid feature very soon, so feel free to explore it and to let us know if you are seeing value from it and how we can improve it.


v7.1 Coming Ahead of Time the week of December 2, 2019

Thank you to all our customers for your active feedback on what you like and what you need for your daily tracking. We are so grateful to have such serious and devoted customers! A few things that you asked for and we delivered include:

Adding the ability to search from your existing campaign names right in your tagging dashboard is now a reality. This was a much asked for feature, which we are finally able to offer to all. Now if you add a new link to an existing campaign, finding your campaign from the hundreds that you have with us is a matter of type-and-search.

Adding an Export button to our Report explorer will enable you to customize your reports and export in a way that you can use to adjust your reports. Go to the Report Explorer page to check it out.

Not all of you are ready to start using custom dimensions yet, which is reasonable. We forgot to give you the option to make that decision in our enthusiasm to deliver this new feature. But thank you for letting us know – we now corrected this and you can go to Settings>Categories to decide whether to add the category to your link or not:). 


We hope that the new features we are adding everything are adding more and more value to our subscribers and customers. As always, please empty your browser cache to have an error-free experience, give the new features a try and let us know if there are any issues or bugs – happy to fix and reward the people who take time out of their busy schedule to help us keep our app in a good shape.

Happy Tracking!








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