This year, we have decided to give away Gift Cards only to our customers and subscribers – as a thank you for their time and willingness to help us grow and share their feedback and recommendations.
We are at a point where we have over 500 business users, the app is growing steadily, and we constantly add improvements, new features, and bug fixes to make it better.
We are in it for the long haul. So we want to add more functionalities and give you more features and performance.
At this point in time, it is really critical for us to make sure that we are meeting our users’ expectations and without your invaluable feedback, we will never know if there is a bug or a feature that is not working quite well, or if we are doing something that is very wrong, all the while thinking that we are actually the best there is:).
So, thank you in advance for your willingness to share your feedback!
This is what you can do next:
- You could drop us a line or two at sharing 3 things that you liked and 3 things that you disliked or just telling us what would make your life easier:)
- You could schedule a quick chat via our scheduling tool to share with us your challenges and/or must-have features that would make your life easier in 2018.
And as a token of your appreciation, we will send you a cute $15 Amazon Gift card, because we really value your time as our user and customer:).
Thanking you in advance for your support, we wish you happiness and peace during this holiday season and a very happy New Year.